PC Mates has failed to understand a vital part of the judicial process - actual evidence.
She appears to imagine that evidence can just be created or drawn up on-the-fly, without leaving the comfort and safety of Huddersfield police station.
For some reason she showed up wearing her uniform - was she on duty, perhaps directing traffic inside the court?
She'd obviously been up all night creating evidence, but for some reason it wasn't accepted by the court. Perhaps she'd forgotten to take it off.
The same tactic was used against me succesfully on two previous occasions.
In 2015 I was convicted for malicious communications after a pedophile gang accessed my system illegally and posted incriminating messages.
Then in 2021 I was convicted for misuse of a public network, under public order, afer the ring again made an illegal access. Although there was no plaintif, the court issued a restraining order that I was to make no further contact with an individual to whom I had made no actual contact with.

Then, miraculously, after a further illegal access involving the theft of actual equipment, it was declared from nowhere that the order had been breached.
The original date that the officers gave for the alleged breach was altered at a later hearing - after equipment containing probable CCTV evidendence of the intrusion was confiscated after false claims of racism were made - for using the word "black" wuth reference to an african person, shown threatening me and my partner in this clip here:
Here we see community officer 166 Huddersfield forcing entry and using intimidation to have the video deleted.
These are just a few instances of the harassment conducted against myself, and against my friends and family, by the ring, right here in Huddersfield, with the co-operation of council members and police officers.